DonorPerfect Integration
Transform your donor management with Pllenty’s CRM integration with DonorPerfect, making DonorPerfect the “source of truth” for all your donor data.
Elevate your fundraising efforts with Pllenty’s robust donation platform enhanced with a direct integration with DonorPerfect’s CRM capabilities.

Streamlined custom workflows
Effortlessly organize multiple gift records under a single donation, complete with campaign IDs and GL codes for optimal administrative efficiency.

Daily transaction monitoring
Ensure perfect synchronization across your records.

Personalized tax receipting and “Thank you” letters
Craft an exceptional experience for every donor and use Pllenty’s innovative Word-based receipting templates.

A significant reduction in duplicate contacts
A near elimination of manual data entry, freeing up valuable time.

Flexible recurring donation options
Fit the unique needs of every contributor.

Daily bank reconciliation
Reconcile your one-line deposits and the transactions they represent.
Let’s talk
One of our payments experts would be happy to help.